A confirmation message for a hotel booking, including check-in details, booking number, and hotel
Your Hotel Booking is Confirmed!
Hi {{name}},
We’re excited to confirm your booking at [Hotel Name]! Your stay with us is all set,
and we can’t wait to welcome you. Booking Details:
Check-in Date: [Check-in Date]
Check-out Date: [Check-out Date]
Room Type: [Room Type]
Booking Reference: [Booking Reference Number] Hotel Address:
[Hotel Address]
For your convenience, we’ve also included a few important details:
Check-in Time: [Check-in Time]
Contact Information: [Hotel Phone Number]
Special Requests/Notes: [Special Requests or Notes, if any] [CTA: View Booking Details or Manage Reservation]
If you need any further assistance or have any questions before your stay, don’t
hesitate to reach out. We look forward to making your stay with us a memorable
Best regards,
[Your Hotel Name]