Outgoing Server

This feature helps you to configure Outgoing Server with SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) settings of your email server to manage sending out emails from SalesHiker CRM.

  1. Go to Settings Icon > CRM Settings > Configuration > Outgoing Server
  2. 2. You can view default settings provided by SalesHiker CRM. To modify, click the Edit button in the top right.

a Server Name Provide mail.yourdomain.com where yourdomain.com is the actual domain name. For instance, gmail accepts ssl://smtp.gmail.com:465
b User Name Provide your user name.
c Password Provide your password
d From Email Emails will be sent from the email id you would specify in this field; else, emails will be sent via the email id of the current user
e Requires Authentication Click on the check-box to enable authentication before sending an email.
After configuring details, click Save